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Rocky Mountain Trackless Train Rental

Call us today 480-874-3470

Rent a Trackless Train in Phoenix Arizona for parties and events with a total capacity of 12 kids

This is a gas powered trackless train and can be driven outdoors only so rent it today for your next school carnival, train themed event or holiday party

Rent a trackless train today 480-874-3470

Rocky Mountain Trackless Train Rental

Starting At:
$599.00 / 3 Hours
($100.00 per additional hour)
Driver Included
*restrictions apply

Minimum space required
  • 50 ' (15.24 m) wide
  • 10 ' (3.04 m) tall
  • 100 ' (30.48 m) long
 Our gas powered trackless train is a high capacity trackless train perfect for train parties or special events. Our Rocky Mountain trackless train is a beautiful gas powered trackless train. We also have fully electric trackless trains for indoor use. 

Our Rocky Mountain trackless train pulls 3 train cars that will hold 4 kids or 2 adults per car depending on the size of each person for a maximum capacity of 12 kids per ride. This trackless train is very powerful and can run all day on almost any flat level surface including thick grass.

This is a gas powered trackless train and can be driven outdoors only so rent it today for your next train or holiday party. What a better way to see the Christmas lights in your neighborhood than on our Rocky Mountain trackless train.

The operation area must be completely flat and open. We can not drive this train thru crowds, over hills or unlevel terrain.
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Carnival Ride Rentals

Rent a trackless train in Arizona