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Snowman Maze - 40' x 40'

Call us today 480-874-3470

Rent a giant inflatable Snowman Maze in Phoenix Arizona for holiday themed parties and events

Our Snowman maze is 40 feet by 40 feet and has winter artwork on the front. The inside does not have any artwork but would look great with holiday props or as a walkthru maze

Rent a winter themed maze today 480-874-3470

Snowman Maze - 40' x 40'

Starting At:
$449.00 / 4 Hours
($25.00 per additional hour)
Staff Not Included
*restrictions apply

Minimum space required
  • 55 ' (16.76 m) wide
  • 10 ' (3.04 m) tall
  • 55 ' (16.76 m) long
 Our Snowman maze has beautiful artwork on the front and a series of patterns and dead ends to go thru. It's designed to be decorated with props or lights inside but can also be used as-is.

This maze was designed for indoor use and has low beams inside so a 6' tall person walking thru will have to duck under each beam crossing
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