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Milk Bottle Knockdown Game Rental

Call us today 480-874-3470

Milk Bottle Knockdown Carnival Game Rentals in Phoenix, Scottsdale or Tempe AZ. Milk Bottle carnival games are a carnival classic featured at carnivals all over Arizona

Our Milk Bottle Knockdown carnival game comes complete with 1 metal stand, Wood case, 3 Aluminum milk bottles and 3 heavy duty bean bags ready to play

Rent milk bottle carnival games 480-874-3470

Milk Bottle Knockdown Game Rental

Starting At:
$65.00 / 4 hours
($10.00 per additional hour)
*restrictions apply

Minimum space required
  • 4 ' (1.21 m) wide
  • 4 ' (1.21 m) tall
  • 10 ' (3.04 m) long
Our Milk Bottle Knockdown game comes complete with 1 metal stand, 3 Aluminum milk bottles, 4' wide wood case and 3 softballs or heavy duty bean bags. This game can be played on the ground but its much better on a table. The table and table skirt are not included in the milk bottle game rental price. 

You can rent one 8' table with carnival cover for $19.95 

Add a 10 x 10 carnival booth with or without LED lights for a awesome looking carnival. We have a huge selection of classic carnival games to choose from as well as a full line of concession machines and carnival rides
Download Our carnival game flyer with all of our
Carnival Game Rentals

where can i rent carnival games in PhoenixOur Milk Bottle Knockdown game comes complete with its own wooden case to stop the falling bottles and contain the balls or bags. You can put up to 2 of these games on one 8' table because each game is 4 feet wide. 
where can i rent carnival games in Gilbert
Here is on game on a 8 foot table inside a carnival booth with backdrop. This carnival game can be placed on the ground but its much better on a table.
Rent Milk bottle carnival games2 of these milk bottle games will fill up a carnival tent and look amazing at your carnival themed party or event. 
Milk bottle carnival gamesCarnival booth rentals for carnival gamesRent Big Carnival games in Phoenix AZThis is one Milk Bottle Knockdown game and the Bowling Pin Knockdown game on a 8 foot table with table cover all nicely placed inside a carnival booth. 

We are a carnival game rental super store serving all of Arizona
with awesome carnival games and carnival ride rentals

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