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Lagoon of Doom Log Rolling Game

Call us today 480-874-3470

Rent the Lagoon of Doom log rolling game for team building events, company parties or log rolling competitions

This inflatable log rolling game is great for kids, teens and adults featuring a motorized rolling log for up to 2 players at once. This game looks great and will be a big hit at any event

Rent a log rolling game today 480-874-3470

Lagoon of Doom Log Rolling Game

Starting At:
$599.00 / 3 hours
($75.00 per additional hour)
Staff Included
*restrictions apply

Minimum space required
  • 24 ' (7.31 m) wide
  • 12 ' (3.65 m) tall
  • 21 ' (6.40 m) long
 Our new Lagoon of Doom log rolling game features a motorized rolling log controlled by our included staff to create an amazing interactive game perfect for team building or competitions. The inflatable mattress has alligator heads and man eating fish looking up at you as you try to stay on the rolling log the longest.

Log rolling compititions are a serious sport and we have the only motorized log rolling inflatable game in Arizona. Other Lagoon of Doom games have a free wheeling log that no one can stand on for more than a few seconds but not here at ABA. We control the speed of the log and it will not free spin around.    

This log rolling game is perfect for kids or adults and will make your party or event a big hit. This game is in stock ready to rent so call, click or come by today. 
team building games for adults Phoenix Arizona
If your looking for the perfect game for company parties, team building or family gathering then our motorized Lagoon of Doom game will be sure to please. It's like trying to jump on a running tread mill with a super cool inflatable mattress 
Inflatable games for company partiesLog rolling competition games for rent Scottsdale AZ
This family game has an entrance on one side and an exit on the other making it perfect for high volume parties and events. This game is very unique and kids and adults will love this game
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