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Bowling Pin Carnival Game Rental

Call us today 480-874-3470

Bowling game rentals Phoenix Arizona

Our bowling pin knockdown game features 4 real bowling pins and 3 bean bags. This bowling game is really fun and unique for carnivals and parties

Rent bowling games today 480-874-3470

Bowling Pin Carnival Game Rental

Starting At:
$65.00 / 4 hours
($10.00 per additional hour)
*restrictions apply

Minimum space required
  • 4 ' (1.21 m) wide
  • 4 ' (1.21 m) tall
  • 10 ' (3.04 m) long
These are professional bowling pins that can be placed in a line or all together just like real bowling and the object is to knock all 4 pins down with no more than 3 throws.

The bowling pin carnival game comes complete with 4 colored bowling pins, 4 foot wide wooden case and 3 bean bags. This game can be played on the ground but its much better on a table.   

Our bowling pin carnival game is shown on an 8 foot table with carnival cover that are not included in the rental price but can be added to your carnival game rental for $19.95.
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Carnival Game Rentals

Carnival game rentals PhoenixWhere can i rent real carnival games in Arizona
You can arrange the bowling pins any way you like but the object is to knock all 4 pins down with only 3 throws.Rent Big Carnival games in Phoenix AZThe photo above shows our bowling pin knockdown next to our milk bottle knockdown game on a 8 foot table with table cover. 

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