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Trackless Trains for rent in Phoenix

Rent a trackless train in AZ 

Many companies across the country rent trackless trains for all type of parties from kid’s birthdays to big festivals. They are a great way to add excitement to your event and everyone loves trains. Over the years trackless trains have evolved from wagons being towed behind lawn mowers to now fully electric trackless trains. Adding a trackless train to a large festival or school carnival can be a great way to raise money for your school or organization so look for trains that have a high capacity. Many places have become safety conscious about having trackless trains with fuel tanks and exhaust blowing in the air. This will be more of an issue inside sports arenas or in a government facility.

If you are looking to rent a trackless train for your party try to deal with a party rental company that is local. Many websites are simply directories with listings for companies that may be located out of state and claim to service your area. Some companies may show a trackless train on their website but will sub rent or have another company actually deliver and operate your trackless train so ask the company if they own and operate the train and make sure they are properly insured.

Companies like Arizona Bounce Around located in Scottsdale Arizona serving the Phoenix and surrounding areas being in business since 2002 and rents fully electric trackless trains for parties and events. Companies like Arizona Bounce Around would be happy for you to stop in and see the trackless train that will be delivered to your party, just call first to make sure it's not at an event.

Electric Trackless Trains are very quiet and use the same batteries and motors used in Golf Carts and commercial electric vehicles with plenty of safety features. Renting an electric trackless train will be hard to find because they cost so much more that a gas powered trackless train but bigger professional rental companies will carry the electric models.

Make sure the trackless train you plan on renting has safety features like lights and seat belts. Its always a good idea to make sure the party rental company provides an attendant or operator for the trackless train. Trackless train cars should always be equipped with safety chains connecting the cars together and it's a good idea for the renter to have a designated area for the train to operate away from crowds. Having a ticket booth and stations or dividers is another way to speed up loading and line management at your trackless train party.

For more information about renting a trackless train call Arizona Bounce Around today at 480-874-3470