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Circus or Carnival themed weddings

 Suggestions For Making Your Own Reception Centerpieces

If you are planning a wedding in the near future, you may want to incorporate the advice of this article, to get the wedding just right. There are themes, speeches, and even professional services that could be needed and you want to be sure to have the whole day planned perfectly.

Weddings will use a lot of materials, so when you are planning your wedding, make sure that you do things to support the green movement. Try to use a lot of recyclable items to limit the amount of waste that is created. This will help the environment tremendously and improve your conscience as well.

Even if you have hired a wedding planner, having a close friend inspect all the details of your big day will help to avoid unforeseen problems. From a food allergy to seating arrangements, the littlest things can sometimes cause the biggest scene so make sure to have a trusted adviser examine every aspect of your wedding long before you finalize anything!

If you decide to handle the food for your wedding, Costco and other wholesale stores are the way to go. If you shop at a wholesale store, you will get much more for your dollar than the regular supermarket. You may want to ask your friends to chip in with buying food.

Strive to incorporate personal elements in your wedding, things that accurately reflect you and your future spouse. Pick a theme that relates to who you are as a couple!


I was at a circus themed wedding last year and it was amazing. Not only did they have the typical events like bouquet tossing and garter removal, but they insisted on playing carnival games throughout the night and had really cool carnival things like carnival tents, cottom candy and one of those strong man carnival games that all the men went nuts over. 

Start planning your wedding ceremony as early as possible. By doing this you will have plenty of time to shop around for the best deals on flowers, dresses, venues, music, photographers, cakes, entertainment, inventions, catering, etc., rather than having to pay an expensive price for whatever is available last minute.

If your wedding reception is beginning to look more like a child's birthday party, have all the children gathered up and taken to their own area to enjoy some suitable entertainment. A clown or magician can keep their eyes locked on him while you and their parents dance the night away.

It's not a bad idea to hire some form of children's entertainment if there will be a gaggle of youngsters attending the event. This will keep them entertained while the adults are permitted to enjoy the evening in peace, saving you from listening to screaming babies and crying toddlers all night.

If you use the advice found in this article, you could easily find yourself planning a great wedding that is fail-proof. Sure, there is anxiety associated with any wedding, but you could put it all to rest with these tips in mind, as you set forth in planning the perfect wedding.