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Frog Flinger carnival game Rental

Call us today 480-874-3470

Frog Flinger Carnival Game Rental Phoenix - Scottsdale AZ

Carnival games for carnivals or birthday parties. Rent the Frog Flinger Carnival Game in Arizona

Rent the frog flinger carnival game today 480-874-3470

Frog Flinger carnival game Rental

Starting At:
$49.95 / 4 Hours when Delivered or 24 hours when picked up
($10.00 per additional hour)
Staff Not Included
*restrictions apply

This really cool frog flinger carnival game is really fun for younger kids and the object is to put the rubber frogs on the catapult and fling them over the pond and land on the lilly pad. But just watching the frogs fly is enteraining enough for small children. This carnival game includes 6 rubber frogs and carnival themed skirting. This game is availabe for delivery or customer pickup.

This is a 4 foot long table game and stands on it's own legs so you can put it almost anywhere. You can play it however you like but we supply everything needed for play. Everyone will love this carnival game so rent one for your next carnival themed party or event.

We have a full selection of carnival games and carnival rides to fit any theme or budget. We also have really nice carnival game booths to make your party look amazing.
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