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Dress Up Party Ideas

Like any adult costume ball, a kids' dress up or tea party is almost a guarantee of fun & laughter with great photos and memories to keep long after the party is over. And where kids are concerned, it doesn't even have to be anything as formal as a party. Dress up can be imaginative play, a fun part of a slumber party, or a pretend talent show for kids and adults. Renting the inflatable runway with dressing room from Arizona Bounce Around will really add the WOW factor to your dress up party.
If you're in charge of planning a full-blown dress up party, be sure to keep the emphasis on the costumes. Also include prizes for the best, wackiest or most clever dress up creation, and don't forget to have the camera loaded and ready!
Dig through your closets for old jewelry, scarves, and hats. Look for dress-up clothes and accessories at thrift stores, charity stores, garage sales, and costume stores (great sales after Halloween).
Don't forget the boys... gather old ties, sport coats, hats, and glasses or purchase some readymade cowboy, firefighter, doctor, astronaut or knight costumes.
Or hire a party person who specializes in dress-up parties. They can provide trunks of great costumes and coordinate activities.
Fun Invitation Ideas for a Dress Up Party include:
·         in shape of fancy hat with real feather and beads attached
·         in shape of movie star glasses with glitter
·         in shape of mirror with foil for mirror
·         in shape of clothes wardrobe with doors that open to reveal invitation
·         paper invitation attached to wire coat hanger
·         collage of glamorous photos from magazines or catalogs
Fun Party Favors for a Dress Up Party include:
·         barrettes and hair clips
·         lip gloss
·         sunglasses
·         coin purses
·         paper doll book
·         costume jewelry
·         blowing bubbles
·         bubble bath
·         Ipod DJ
·         Sound System
·         Dance Floor Lighting